Gerta Gixhari Biography, Birthdate, Age, Networth, Carrer, Family & More

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Gerta Gixhari was born in Durrês, Albania on August 2, 1980 and graduated from the University of Tirana journalism program. She moved into different positions in political speech writing and media because of this basic education. In 2016, she finally took an MA degree in Cultural Management at the University of Arts in Tirana.


Gerta Gixhari ProfessionJournalist, 
TV Host, 
TV Author, 
Media Advisor
Gerta Gixhari NationalityAlbanian
Date of Birth02/08/1980
Gerta Gixhari Age44 years
BirthplaceDurrës, Albania

Gita is married and has two children. She is also the sister of Olta Gexhari, a famous actress and TV personality whose image was raised considerably by her participation in the VIP controversy in Big Brother Albania. Their sisterly relationship has been a topic of media interest, especially since Olta’s time on the show. Although it has been reported that they are both not mutual followers on social media, Gita clarified in an interview where this was perceived as an issue by stating that their not following each other was not the issue, and that social media doesn’t define their links.

Career Development

Gita has made an impressive career in different areas:

  • Television: She started out as a second assistant in political newscasting for TV Klan from January 2002 to January 2005. After that she moved to TV RSH (Radio Televizioni Shqiptar) as a TV writer and presenter in March 2016. In 2021, Gita also signed up to Top Channel as a correspondent.
  • Public Relations: In October 2005, Gita served as the spokeswoman for OSHEE, the electricity distribution operator serving Albania’s southeastern areas, and she held that post until February 2007.
  • Politics: Gita stepped into the political arena as a candidate for Albania’s parliament from the capital city Tiran.
  • Reality Television: In December 2024, Gerta will participate in the fourth season of Big Brother VIP Albania, following in her sister Olta’s footsteps who took part during the second season.

Personal Life

Gerta Gixhari Food HabitNon-vegetarian
Gerta Gixhari Tattoo(s)Right ArmLeft Leg – A rose and a skull with a crown
Gerta Gixhari Zodiac signLeo


TV Host
TV Author
Media Advisor

Physical Appearance

Gerta Gixhari , Gerta Gixhari Height, Gerta Gixhari Wiki, Gerta Gixhari Birthdate, Gerta Gixhari Age, Gerta Gixhari wiki, Gerta Gixhari Biography, Gerta Gixhari Birthday, Gerta Gixhari Family, Gerta Gixhari Networth, Gerta Gixhari Nickname, Gerta Gixhari Zodiac Signs, Gerta Gixhari NetWorth, Gerta Gixhari Birth of Day, Gerta Gixhari Father Name, Gerta Gixhari ethnicity, Gerta Gixhari nationality
Gerta Gixhari Height5’4″ (163 cm)
Eye ColorHazel Green
Hair ColorLight Brown

Public Image and Social Media

Gerta also has an active presence online, such as Instagram, where she posts about her work and life in front of the camera.

Gerta Gixhari , Gerta Gixhari Height, Gerta Gixhari Wiki, Gerta Gixhari Birthdate, Gerta Gixhari Age, Gerta Gixhari wiki, Gerta Gixhari Biography, Gerta Gixhari Birthday, Gerta Gixhari Family, Gerta Gixhari Networth, Gerta Gixhari Nickname, Gerta Gixhari Zodiac Signs, Gerta Gixhari NetWorth, Gerta Gixhari Birth of Day, Gerta Gixhari Father Name, Gerta Gixhari ethnicity, Gerta Gixhari nationality
Gerta Gixhari Instagram
Gerta Gixhari YouTube
Gerta Gixhari , Gerta Gixhari Height, Gerta Gixhari Wiki, Gerta Gixhari Birthdate, Gerta Gixhari Age, Gerta Gixhari wiki, Gerta Gixhari Biography, Gerta Gixhari Birthday, Gerta Gixhari Family, Gerta Gixhari Networth, Gerta Gixhari Nickname, Gerta Gixhari Zodiac Signs, Gerta Gixhari NetWorth, Gerta Gixhari Birth of Day, Gerta Gixhari Father Name, Gerta Gixhari ethnicity, Gerta Gixhari nationality

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